I would like to say a huge thank you to the wonderful parents and families for being so amazing to work with. You tackled the challenge of remote learning superbly and did an amazing job of quickly picking up with how to use SEQTA Learn and MyEdOnline. You should all be super proud of how well you have coped with such big changes. Thanks again for making our job that much easier through such an unusual time.

It has been so wonderful to see the Year 1 students smiling and excited to be back at school. We spent these last couple of weeks revising explanation text and completing an assessment at the end. In maths, we covered the topics of Fractions focussing on halves and quarters of objects, counting back (subtraction) using number lines and also revising partitioning of numbers, counting on (addition using number lines) and position.

Please continue practising the Magic 200 words with your child during the holidays as these words help them to improve fluency in reading and also give them more confidence in writing.

Thank you for your continued support and have a safe and relaxing holiday.

Mrs Tarbinder Pandher
Year 1 Teacher